Home – Region 9 Sections & Branches

The intent of this website is to preserve the past work of the four ASCE Region 9 Sections in documenting their historic civil engineering landmarks. ASCE’s Historic Civil Engineering Landmarks Program recognizes historically significant local, national, and international civil engineering projects, structures, and sites through dedications, a physical plaque on site, and an online historical record open to all.

The ASCE landmark program was initiated in response to the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. Many ASCE Sections and Branches across the United States established History & Heritage Committees at that time and those committees embarked on programs to identify and document projects that were deemed suitable for designation as civil engineering landmarks. One criterion of the ASCE National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark program requires that any project designated as a NHCEL be at least 50 years old. However, that rule does not apply to projects nominated as local or regional historic civil engineering landmarks.  Sections and Branches, therefore, are free to nominate projects as local or regional landmarks before they reach 50 years of age. Then, at the age of 50, those projects can be nominated as National Historic Civil Engineering Landmarks.

As time went by, History & Heritage committees began to decline in number, with the result that, at the time of this writing, very few, if any, active History & Heritage committees exist within Region 9. By preserving the documentation of landmarks previously designated, it is hoped that some of them might in the future be nominated for National designation, and also serve to encourage the nomination of additional projects as Historic Civil Engineering Landmarks.

Web pages containing links to the historic civil engineering landmarks for each of the 4 Sections of Region 9 can be accessed from the links below, as well as links to other websites related to civil engineering history.

                         San Diego Section                         Los Angeles Section

                     San Francisco Section                      Sacramento Section 


                Instructions for Adding or Editing Landmark Pages                               

                           The Importance of Engineering HistoryHenry Petroski           

                        Revisiting Los Angeles Section Landmarks – Irving Sherman

         Trent Dames Fund for the Heritage of Civil Engineering – Huntington Library

                                        HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE
                  American Society of Civil Engineers, 1852-1897Charles Warren Hunt 

                                          TRANSACTIONS VOL 82-1918  

                  The Activities of the American Society of Civil Engineers
                                   During The Past Twenty-five Years
                                             Charles Warren Hunt

                                   ON CIVIL ENGINEERING HISTORY


                              The American Civil Engineer 1852-1974 – William H. Wisely

       Nomination of Route 66 as a National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark

                      Historic Civil Engineering Landmarks Worldwide